Thursday, January 30, 2014

New functions in the mission

After a busy month of January, I come to the end of it on vacation. I use these days off to visit some of my contingent mates at Les Cayes (South of Haiti). I took the opportunity to also visit Port Salut, a village right on the beach located approximately at 35 kms from Les Cayes).

Before I get to the vacation part I should quickly explain what my new functions are within the mission.
The MINUSTAH mission is scheduled to end up in 2016. To say that the UN will get out of the country completely would be a little presumptuous but at least the mission the way we know it know will end.
Since 2012 until 2016, the mission has a plan to fully professionalize the Haitian National Police (HNP) but to reach that goal a rather substantial amount of money is required from all donor countries such as Canada, USA, France to only name the largest contributing countries in Haiti. That's where I come into play. My role is to create the bridge between the HNP and all the contributing countries (11 so far) and to ensure these countries are still motivated to continue to help Haiti and specifically the HNP in order to secure the country and allow its development. Instability is the root of the problem here and the reasons why tourism is almost inexistent and why no companies are willing to invest here.
It's a very demanding job but I really like it; I feel that I'm contributing to the solution of the problem. Until my last day on the job, I was working on a big meeting (first of its kind in this mission) which will reunite the HNP and all contributing countries to exchange on what has been accomplished so far, what needs to be done still and try to get everyone committed to the realization on the plan including the Haitian government. It is nice to have the rest of the world involved to try to help Haiti, but Haiti has also the duty to show that she is actively participating into the solution. Hopefully, the outcome of the meeting will be positive and the realization of the plan will go on as scheduled. That will be discussed in an other post.

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