Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Haitian people

Everyday, while going through the city on those roads full of garbage and other debris, dust, smoke and also the heat, I'm wondering how these people can keep themselves so clean. It is true for most of the people, they keep themselves neat at all time and it is even more true for anyone wearing a uniform. Their shirts are spotless and ironed, so is their pants. The attention Haitian people put in the appearance is just incredible considering their surroundings. It may be related to the pride we can see in these people. They are the descendants of Toussaint Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines and in their eyes you see that they are proud of their history and this is justified. Being the first slave nation to stand up to the colons and getting its independence (at an extremely high cost) is not just another page in a history book, it's History. Sadly, the subsequent price they had to pay for that infamy would keep the country in the misery since the beginning of its independence. Add some recurring natural disasters and few dictators on top of that and you have a nation who tries to stand by itself but is always too weak to do so. But still, despite all that the Haitian people walk with their heads up and pride in their eyes. I'm impressed.

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